If you have been trying to fall pregnant you were probably surprised that it didn’t happen right away, or maybe even distressed. You may feel as if you are surrounded by pregnant women and small children, and that you are alone in having difficulties in conceiving. In reality though, 1 in 4 couples fail to conceive naturally.*

About Infertility
Product Information

Merck wants to help you through your fertility journey. By clicking on the link below you can answer a few simple questions which will guide you to either try conceiving naturally a little longer, or to find a fertility clinic that will be able to support you in your dream of becoming parents. 

Fertility Self Assessment
Professional Service Directory

Merck (Pty) Ltd

 * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Infertility FAQs. 2022.                                                                                https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/infertility/index .
    Accessed Oct 2022

ZA-NONF-00155. November 2022.
